And I wasn’t really interested in Dick. Sure we had some funny conversations, and I accidentally sexually harassed him via IM, but he was a little abrasive. He kept saying things like he was sick of meeting trash. Oh and then he asked me, basically a stranger to him, how many one night stands I’ve had. Excuse me? Then he said he’d guess at least 10. Delete.
I am still chatting with two guys. Mister Darcy, the charming British chap who continues to amuse me, finally signed up for Gmail so we could chat. He wasn’t familiar with it, so I coerced him into getting an account. The next evening I got an email that read, “Right then, I signed up. Now what?” Now you just talk to me in your Prince William voice. He could read a VCR installation manual to me, and I'd be peachy as punch.
I am still chatting with two guys. Mister Darcy, the charming British chap who continues to amuse me, finally signed up for Gmail so we could chat. He wasn’t familiar with it, so I coerced him into getting an account. The next evening I got an email that read, “Right then, I signed up. Now what?” Now you just talk to me in your Prince William voice. He could read a VCR installation manual to me, and I'd be peachy as punch.
Then there’s Bob Loblaw. This boy’s primary method of communication is texting. Which is fine. But I don’t like meeting a guy in person without chatting on the phone at least once or twice. So I was happy when he called me the other night. And he has a cute voice!
I could tell that he has a really good sense of humor, so I decided to just tell him I have a blog about my dating life. Why hide it? It’s a big part of my life, and I wanted to see how he reacted. Well, he was genuinely interested and said he wanted to read some of my entries.
I’ve told guys in the past that I have this blog, but I’ve never shown any of them my stuff. It’s just so weird to have some man see my dating history on paper. I may as well hand them my diary. Which I don’t currently have, although I did recently find my diary from 6th grade and let me just tell you, I was way ahead of my time. I had bulleted lists of dating rules, which ranged from only ordering salad and eating half, to not talking a lot about myself and really focusing on my date. And then I’d written a script that I was going to read when I called this totally cute 8th grader named David who probably didn’t even know who I was, and pretend to be my best friend “Ashley” and get this guy to meet the real me at the movies.
Anyway, the idea of sharing my stories with Bob Loblaw was equal parts intriguing and terrifying. I decided I had to do this. So, I carefully selected three articles (this one, this one and this one),dropped them in an email and hit send. And then I realized my heart was racing and my palms were a little clammy. I was really nervous.
Well he’s batting a thousand, because he said he loved them. And not because he stroked my ego with some nice comments, but because he gets it. He gets that dating can be ridiculous and it's something to laugh about.
Let’s see if he gets to first base.
I'd imagine a good guy would be proud of you for this blog - it's hilarious!
I agree.... I just love it!
re: sixth grade -- fabulous!
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