So Bob Loblaw has committed a crime. Well, he has multiple offenses. Because he’s called me Babe roughly nine times now. And it’s so annoying! Seeing that word in a text from him is like seeing your dad in a Speedo. You just want to pretend it’s not happening. And you don’t want your friends to see it either.
Anyhoo, normally I’d just write him off and move along. I mean I've already ragged about this, but it really just cheapens our love. Haha just kidding. By the way, he probably Googled a line from one of the articles I showed him and is sitting at his desk reading this sentence right now, with his jaw dropped in complete disgust. Hi Bob!
But seriously, it makes me think he's a womanizer and fancies himself the James Dean of our time. (If that was the case, he could call me anything he wanted to. And no, one photo wouldn't do James justice.) I mean do I need to wear a name tag on our first date? The whole Babe thing is just derogatory. Does he call every girl Babe? Is he going to meet my mother and say, "Hey Babe" as he winks and puts his hand on my butt?

However he’s really intelligent and nice. And from his photos I can tell homeboy’s got it going on. And it is just ONE word. Maybe I'm being silly. I just can't help worry this is a warning and he's total sleaze.
Stick to my guns…or stick to his?
Yea babe is just SO douchey especially when you dont know the person....
totally agree he's probably a d-bag.
I guarantee this guy is a douche.
My husband calls me babe and I call him babe, so no big deal to me - but I agree if I didn't know him it would be creepy. Have you told him that it creeps you out?
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