Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Stark Knight

Last night I had my first phone convo with this 30-year-old man from Ohio. I could already tell from his emails that he's really funny and dry. Speaking of dry, when I called him back, he goes, "Hang on" and I heard him fussing around with something and then when he came back on I asked if everything was ok over there and he goes, "Yeah I just got out of the shower."

So I'm in my pj's on one end, and he's over there in his birthday suit. I hope he wasn't strolling around his apartment, twirling the phone cord with his finger, stark naked. Or sitting on the couch. I don't trust people who are comfortable with their bare butt cheeks smashed against their sofa.

Anyway, we did have a good convo. He doesn't seem like a psycho, and he's spunky (easy Richard Simmons) and it seems like I'd have fun hanging out with him even if we aren't attracted to each other. Although, I've sat in this seat a few times now, so apparently my Nutjob Meter is still in the shop.

He told me he likes running, is an importer/exporter but would have to explain it further in person with charts and graphs (I didn't know that job really existed), and one item on his Bucket List is to get drunk at a Chipotle. Apparently they have very potent margaritas.

I made a date to meet Art Vandelay for drinks next Thursday.

Who wouldn't date this?


Anonymous said...

Art Vandelay! Love it.

Catherine said...

Good luck CHD! Hope he's cute :)