Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Do Not Disturb

So there's this guy I've been chatting with who initially seemed very witty and nice. I soon realized he's just way too over the top and is always trying really hard to be "on". EVERY text, EVERY email, EVERY call with him was like listening to a really bad comedian make the most predictable jokes. Like watching Bob Saget narrate an episode of America's Funniest Home Videos.

I decided since we'd only talked on the phone once that we weren't super involved, so I implemented the straight fade. Only some people just don't get it. When you call and text a girl multiple times, and even your phone's giving you the eyebrow raise, she's never replying to you. In fact, she's probably rolling her eyes hoping you go listen to I Saw the Sign on repeat.

Well Ray Romano's Walkman must be out of batteries, because after repeatedly down-clicking on him for a few days, I got a text today that says: "You should've had a disclaimer on your profile that said 'I'm really horrible at returning phone calls' :)"

See the sign Romano....see the sign.

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